Zelenskiy / Official – > 92
orig date 2023-08-19 09:21:36
12:20 19-08-2023
Media is too big
Зробимо ще більше для консолідації світу проти російського терору. Дамо ще більше нашій державі для захисту життя. Росія повинна програти в цій війні, щоб життя перемогло.
This is what a neighborhood with a terrorist state is, this is what we unite the whole world against. A Russian missile hit right in the center of the city, in our Chernihiv. A square, the polytechnic university, a theater. An ordinary Saturday, which Russia turned into a day of pain and loss. There are dead, there are wounded. My condolences to those who lost loved ones! All services are on the site. Rescuers, police, doctors. Everyone who is needed.
Let's do even more to consolidate the world against Russian terror. Let's give even more to our state to protect life. Russia must lose this war for life to win.