Zelenskiy / Official – > 92
orig date 2023-10-11 09:01:11
15:42 12-10-2023
Media is too big
Ось чому я закликаю всіх лідерів відвідати Ізраїль і продемонструвати свою підтримку людям. Я кажу не про якісь інституції, а про підтримку людей, які постраждали від терористичних атак і вмирають сьогодні.
On Israel. I I recall the early days of Russia’s full-scale war on Ukraine. This was the worst tragedy, with many people killed. It was critical not to feel alone. Feeling supported can help you save your country, people, and life.
This is why I urge all leaders to visit Israel and show their support for the people. I’m not talking about any institutions, but about support for the people who suffered from terrorist attacks and are dying today.